If you want a porn game with barely any porn in it but a ridiculous amount of dialog, this one is for you. It has some good rpg elemens like complex party members, many habilities, nice open world etc. But you will have to play for many, many hours just to see a couple of static images of sex.
Disappointing, the porn gets repetitive very quick since the images are on its majority the same couple. There is some porn integrated with gameplay but it is very poor designed and has mediocre visuals. Pretty much you will be collecting a ridiculous number of random ingredients to create quests and other pointless items. Also grinding a lot because enemies difficulty scale up like a motherfucker.
It has a very rich world. Plenty of lore, and places to explore in a cycle of day and night, each being slightly different from the other. It is one of the slow corruption games, female protag is a puritan but slowly gets to become a slut. Combat is straight rpgm with attacks, magic, and items to be used against monsters and some creatures that want to do naughty things. But the biggest problem is the mediocre art. It is very subpar, with some kind of animation that simply looks horrible, as if someone is moving static images in paint. That and the protag rarely change facial expression. At least you need to make a dozen to emulate some kind of life for your characters. Besides the bad art, the corruption is awfully paced, in a moment protag is horrified by the idea of sex, then like a press of a button she is asking to swallow more cum. It is just too fast, kinda ruins the idea of corruption.
This game is a massive grindfest with very stressful time limits between pays. And the pornis just a couple of static images on magazines, very very boring.
Very mediocre mach3 game with a couple of scenes for each girl. Each scene is very simple, nothing very alluring happening and the girls have bare bones personality or any story at all. The scenes are unity style gifs with clicking available but it doesn't do much not its interactive. The game itself has some kind of rpg elements where you get to choose one out of three upgrades after every mach3 battle. So you will have to grind, quite a bit actually, if you want to win the though girls. Not a game that I would recommend.
This game is simply amazing. Its a very interesting take of the Stardew Valley genre. In Warlock and Boobs you live in a tiny village with plenty of hot women and some guys. Each day has a morning, a daytime, evening and night. And all the characters have some script to follow for each day and time period. The complexity this creates is fantastic and very engaging because you want to explore the nearby villages or other maps to see what is happening. Besides this, there are relationship status with almost every character, and by helping them, doing quests etc, you get to open new dialog, sexual dialog that rewards you in scenes. And there is A LOT of scenes here, I'm am shocked by the number of art this game has, and not in a boring gallery, but actually integrated with the gameplay, since you can have sex with every enemy and you need to collect something from them this way. This has great potential, and I'm eager to see the full release.
Fantastic game, make sure to read the walkthroughs and a guide online for the special events. Sadly the art is not great nor are the three girls much different. Another point is that the gameplay sex is somewhat pixel arty, not being close enough for you to actually see something interesting nor detailed enough.
This point and click is the most cumbersome, overcomplicated, annoying, hgame ever made. Holy shit, this deserves a medal. And the dialog is just pure unbearable suffering.
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