Parallel Adventures

Версия - 0.1.6





You're a 22 year old college graduate left by his dad at the age of 17. One month after you graduated you're looking for a job. Not knowing what to do with your life, you receive a phone call. The person calling was your fathers assistent telling you to meet up with her about some complicated business. You decide to meet up with her. She tells you your dad died and left you his hotel. - At that moment your life got thrown upside down. The hotel is located in a pararell world and your late fathers assistent happens to be a 138 year old witch. try to find a way to keep your new business afloat and meet alot of different/supernatural people along the way.​

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Version 0.1.6
Developer Darkincs
OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2020-07-18



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