Rising from Regret

Версия - 0.01





You find yourself in an interrogation room, shrouded in mystery and refusing to give answers. - As the narrative unfolds, you're taken back to the fateful night that set everything in motion. - Drunkenly wandering the streets, you stumble into your parents' apartment and encounter a hallucination, - or perhaps a vision, of a mysterious figure named M. - Through a series of haunting flashbacks, you reveal a troubled past: a wealthy but loveless upbringing, - a descent into substance abuse, and now, the discovery of your family's financial ruin at the hands of ruthless loan sharks. - Not long after this, a clandestine meeting with these dangerous men culminates in a tragic fate... - Desperate for redemption and a means to protect those you care about, you consider joining the Silver Serpents, - a gang with a mission to eradicate street violence and bring justice to the innocent. - "Will you be able to stand tall? Emerge from the ashes of your past like a phoenix, stronger than before?" - M​

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Version 0.01
Developer C-Spin XItch.io
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-07-24



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