The protagonist Shinozaki Keisuke, visits his grandparents' house alone during summer vacation, and is greeted by his aunt Yuka. Beautiful, kind, and smart, a woman whom he admires since when he was young. However, after learning that his aunt is engaged, he becomes shocked. - Featuring two scenarios, the relationship between the nephew and aunt is depicted differently, depending on the story. - Unwilling to give his beloved aunt to anyone, he tells her his feelings, a story of "Longing and Immorality." - He congratulates her at the time, but several years later, he decides to snatch her away, a story of "Regret and Lust." - A pure-hearted boy or one who grows up to be a man. In each story, a woman in bewilderment, his aunt is being toyed with. An intimate relationship with her, please enjoy!
Original Title | 僕色に染まる叔母 |
VNDB | Link |
Length | Short (~3 hours) |
Version | Final |
Developer | Dark One! |
Publisher | Shiravune Website - Discord - Twitter - Steam |
OS | Windows |
Language | English, Chinese, Japanese |
Thread Updated | 2024-06-14 |
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