Forgotten Pathways

Версия - 0.3





The begins as the MC wakes up in the house of the very nice Nina, who found him passed out in the street. - MC doesn't remember anything about his life... Not even his own name. - While trying to recover his memories, he begins to discover that the world he lives in has certain... - intriguing peculiarities and mysteries. - What's wrong with this world? What actually happened to the MC? - Why doesn't he remember anything? Who is telling the truth? - While MC is looking for answers to all these mysteries, he will have to learn to live normally in a society where everything seems new. - Ps. If you are a harem fan or just want to know what to expect, please read the Developer Notes before playing the game.​

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Version 0.3
Developer Ochilochin -
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-03-14



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