Motel: A Son and Brother Story

Версия - 3.1.0





In this , you play a young guy out on a shopping trip with his Female-Guardian™ Sophia. After being in a changing room together, Sophia must come to terms with the fact that there is a sexual tension growing between them... Before action can commence, the duo is struck with misfortune: Their car breaks down! How will they get home?? How will Sophia keep their relationship pure with this extended time together? - FIND OUT, IN: MOTEL A.S.A.B. - Motel: A Son and Brother Story, by Interbladecard - Based on : - Note: This is a kinetic novel without audio

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Version 3.1.0
Developer Interbladecard
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English, French
Thread Updated 2024-09-21



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