The game takes place in a medieval world of magic. The protagonist was compelled to make a deal with a demon of vice. And now he has to commit lustful things, to not lose all his powers. Create your own harem, complete quests, level up your character, manage your own castle and a huge amount of sexual content.
If you have SteamVR installed, this game will always automatically start SteamVR dispite not being a VR game. To get around this, create a shortcut of the executable and open the 'properties' of the shortcut. In the 'Target' field after the file path put the argument -nohmd after the quotes so it looks something like this:
"Drive:\Directory\Way of the Sorcerer hotfix 0.1.51\WindowsNoEditor\GameWayOfTheSorcerer.exe" -nohmd
Launching from this shortcut will launch the game without SteamVR launching aswell.
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