Come Inside

Version - 0.2.1





You're a young artist. One day you made yourself a promise and it was time to keep it. You returned to the city, where you spent the best months of your life, after several years of absence. - A lot has changed - now you can afford an expensive house, a motorcycle, and investments, but... But you constantly return to your memories of the one with whom you were happy. You fill the void in your soul with memories, playing them over and over again. - Money has become a new factor in your life and it attracts both new acquaintances and old ones to you. - Being tough or caring, remembering or forgetting, drawing dreams or memories - it is up to you to decide.​

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This developer is also on Patreon - If you like the game please do consider supporting them to keep on making awesome games in the future.

Version 0.2.1
Developer ttll Instagram
OS Windows, Mac, Linux
Language English, Russian
Thread Updated 2020-04-26



Recent Comments


*WARNING* do not support his patreon dev is either un-alive or he scamming people on money, there is not a single real update, BOT sending same posts every month on patreon, just to pretent he is doing something, or it might be someone that pretends to be dev, and actual dev is really ded. I tried to tell about this on Discord, and I got kicked after 10 sec on two accounts. *SCAAAM*


Finally, Episode III sneak peek 30 September this year oh creator's Patreon, there is gonna be new update!!!


The game itself is very good. The story is great and visually it is beautiful. But the mini game? FUCK THAT MINI GAME IN ITS ASS. Never has a game been so horribly frustrating. Oh it's a connect the dots game where a picture forms. But no we won't have you drag a line to connect the dots. Nope you are going to have to click on every single fucking dot individually. But we're also going to make the dots very tiny and you can only click exactly on it or it wont work. And to top it off you only have 10 seconds to do it. GOOD FUCKING LUCK. Usually if I find a game I really enjoy I will support the artist and donate to their patreon. But I will be playing the free version of this game for as long as that stupidly frustrating mini game is there. Either make the dots easier to click, or make less dots, or get rid of the timer or double it.