Title | Kimomen Teihen Shoku Demo Kyokon nara Harem Guild no Shu ni Nareru!? ~Densetsu no Kishi ya Seijo, Maou o Tanezuke Kouryaku! Bishoujo Darake Yume no Bouken Seikatsu!~ |
Original Title | キモメン底辺職でも巨根ならハーレムギルドの主になれる!? ~伝説の騎士や聖女、魔王を種付け攻略!美少女だらけ夢の冒険性活!~ |
VNDB | Kimomen Teihen Shoku Demo Kyokon nara Harem Guild no Shu ni Nareru!? ~Densetsu no Kishi ya Seijo, Maou o Tanezuke Kouryaku! Bishoujo Darake Yume no Bouken Seikatsu!~ |
Length | Short (2 - 10 hours) |
Year | Japan 2013-05-31, English Patch 2016-06-17 |
Voice | Japanese |
Developer | Miel |
Language | English |
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